We didn’t realize it until after we had purchased the property, but apparently the sand pines need to go.
We have been advised by several biologists to take them out before we build. They have poor structural strength and will fall over onto our fencing and habitats, creating a potential threat to the animals in our care.
The task has been substantial, but we have managed to remove the dangerous trees from the areas where we are building. We have taken them out selectively, leaving unharmed as many of the other trees as possible.
The remaining trees include slash pines, loblolly pines, several varieties of oaks, maples, hickory and other hardwoods, as well as magnolia, holly and more. We have never seen such a beautiful variety of native trees and plants on one property.
[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”]One biologist said “The only thing holding up a sand pine is the sand pine next to it” – We’re beginning to believe him![/pullquote]